NTLK Customizing Newtons?

From: T.M. Camp (tmcamp@wmsite.com)
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 15:43:03 EST

This may come across as a sacreligious question but...

Does anyone have any thoughts on or experience with custom painting a Newton

Thoughts: Technical considerations (how do I seal it so paint doesn't get on
the screen, inside the casing, all over the components, etc.); what are some
of the potential pitfalls, dangers of same.

Experience: How did you pull it off? Technique? What kind of paint did you
use? What brand? Flat? Glossy? What about primer? Sealer? What about
touch-ups after wear and tear? How did you avoid technical problems listed

Hypothetically, at this point, I'm interested in the topic. Also, if anyone
knows of any sites with custom Newt pictures and/or tips, I'd be interested.

T.M. Camp
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