NTLK new 2100 user...wow!

From: Steve Vander Ark (vderark@bccs.org)
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 10:20:33 EST

Okay, the un believable has happened. I've been using Newtons for years,
but I just picked up an upgraded 2000 (which makes it the equivalent of a
2100, right? there's a little sticker that says 2100 in the connection bay).
I have moved up from a 100 to a 120, to a 130, to...nirvana!

This thing is absolutely amazing. And my head is spinning as I try to figure
out all the ins and outs. I have a million questions, some of which I'm
answering myself as I try things out. But some I'll post here, if you all
don't mind. I admit that I've probably bypassed conversations over my years
on Newtontalk that would have answered these questions, but since there is
no archive to search (is there?) I'll pester you folks for a bit here.

But I'll try not to overload you. So how's this for starters?

1) what's up with this "serial connector" deal? I don't seem to have such a
thing with the used package I bought. Are there sources for these things?
I've contacted the fellow I bought this from and hopefully he has it and
will send it to me, but otherwise I'm kinda stuck...

2) can I use the AC adaptor I have for my 130 on the 2000?

3) how do I refer to this incredible wonder, since it's not really a 2000
any more...is it a 2100 or something else?

Thanks in advance for the answers.

Steve Vander Ark
Library Media Specialist
Byron Center Christian School
Byron Center, Michigan

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