Re: NTLK Basilisk II

From: Donald T. Stewart, MD (
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 20:58:48 EST

Geoff Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just thought I'd let those of you with too much free time, . . .. Only the serial link is available.
> . . .. Most of the apps seem to run well. I managed to even synch between NCU and Claris Organiser 2 which I haven't even managed to do with my PB190!! (must be the mac equivalent of Slowdown....)
> NCU runs well (accesses even pkgs on my PC drive).
> Basilisk is available here:
> Geoff Hall

Has anyone been able to get Basilisk to connect to the Newton via Ethernet? I have spent far more hours than I would like to admit trying to get this to work, but cannot get a working Ethernet connection on my machine. NCU does, indeed, work via the serial connection, but I want the speed of Ethernet. I would devote more time to this if I knew it was possible.

Donald T. Stewart, MD

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