NTLK Newton alarm problem

From: Nick Howard (lists@timen.com)
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 17:30:51 EST

Hi all,

I've got a big problem here.

When I start up my Newton 2100, the alarm reminding me of my own birthday comes
up (which is on the 26/5 so I don't know what it's trying to tell me) as I try
to put in the PIN. When I hit the close box for the alarm it keeps on coming
back (making that alarm noise) and I can't put in the PIN to get past it.

I did a hard reset and backed up from a card but when I restored it brought
the same problem back but at least it doesn't bring up the PIN box.

Any ideas?

At the moment I've left it at a hard reset with no restore awaiting any ideas.

I've got a demo of Dateman installed but even when I boot without internal packages
on it still does it.

Thanks heaps in advance.


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