Re: NTLK Identify resident packages

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Sat Dec 11 1999 - 08:27:19 EST

> From: Ray Kloss <>
> I get paranoid when I pop a card out and it tells me that
> imminent data loss will occur or the card may be damaged if I don't
> put it back in RIGHT NOW!

There are quite a few freeware packages out there that give you the option
to unmount a card, never saw the point myself. (apart from the fact that the
packages that I did give a try weren't foolproof either)
Just reset your Newton and eject the card right away, there's quite a few
seconds between the moment your Newton comes back to live, it will just
mount whatever is left and leave your card alone, works perfect, 100%
foolproof, every time.

Robert Benschop

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