NTLK Some technoquestions

From: Evgueni A. Natalenko (adam@spb.cityline.ru)
Date: Mon Dec 13 1999 - 09:50:37 EST

dear friends-newtonians,
i have few questions:
1. sometime ago one guy wrote to list that microsoft hired xerox parc's
veterans (what _names_i_don't know? maybe like larry tesler) to develope
new generation of pen-based tablet ("pen computer"). i have lost my copy of
this thread. maybe someone post it to me or have another detailed
information about that event/news?
2. who can shortly describe to me some techno "jargon" (i mean this damned
hard to understand words ;-))?:
about lcd:
about radio and communications:
dsss radio
ds/fh ss radio

thatk's. and you're the best,
from russia with love,
evgueni a. natalenko.
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