NTLK Re: Remotetown Challenge

From: Paul Guyot (pguyot@pnm-consulting.com)
Date: Mon Dec 13 1999 - 13:18:18 EST

Clinton Slaughter <clintslaughter@hotmail.com> was boasting:

>I've managed to build to a population of 44,800 with a remaining budget of
>$1935. Any Takers?
Frankly, I haven't found the interest of RemoteTown, while I like SimCity.
It seems that population grows with estate number.

>BTW - I've been having a great time using the new-found ultra mini-disc
>player on the newt ;')

What is it?

>Clint Slaughter, MD
>University of Massachusetts
Humm. Hope you didn't play while working.



P&M Consulting Newton Program

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