Re: NTLK batteries...

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 00:25:37 EST

On 12/20/99 4:01 PM, [] wrote:

>If I buy new Ni-MH batteries for my MP130, can I recharge them in the
>Newton using the standard power adapter?
>If not, what's the best 'rechargeable' solution using new batteries
>that can be recharged in the unit?

I wouldn't recommend it; the MP130 rechargeable packs from Apple were
NiCD, not NiMH. I doubt the charging characteristics are the same at all.

I'd either use NiCDs if you really want to charge IN the Newton (you have
to rig something to press the sensor button down so it knows you have
NiCDs in there) or charge externally.

- Bill

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