re: NTLK Largest book created with Newt's Cape?

From: Steve Weyer (
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 05:05:47 EST

>From: " " <>
>Steve Weyer's large book creation suggestions included:
>> if you could segment file into several 'chapters', you could save each
>>as a separate
>> package; and later combine those using a 'master book'
>how does one create this 'master'? is that an advanced Book Maker thing?
>(or NTK?)

the segmenting would be done earlier (smaller sources to create a series of
smaller books).

once you'd created saved book packages with Newt's Cape (or Press or
you could use Newt's Cape to create a new book which just appends the
smaller books (the contents of each is in package memory rather than heap)
into a larger book (along the way it can often fixup relative links to work
properly in new book).

this is an advanced Newt's Cape thing, so I'd recommend trying it only
after you're comfortable with using Newt's Cape for awhile. this example
shows how to append 2 saved books (created here from two docs in Notes, but
they could come from anywhere -- just include the proper ISBN) along with
some other random fragments from Notes.

NewtDevEnv, Newt's Cape, Sloup, Crypto,...

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