On 12/27/99 3:18 PM, EqualityFL@aol.com [mailto:EqualityFL@aol.com]
>Does anyone know if it is possible to link my Newton to my PowerBook G3
>via infrared?
Boy, we're starting to get this one about once a day. (Is it in the FAQ,
Paul? I forget?)
The answer is both no and yes.
No, if you don't have a MessagePad 2000, 2100 or eMate as previous models
don't support the IrDA infrared protocol, only the older ASK (Sharp)
Infrared protocol.
No, you can't link your Newton to your Mac using Newton Connection
Utilities via IrDA; the code for this was never completed.
Yes, you can use two other products, Sloup from Steve Weyer and
EETransfer, to transfer packages, text, images, etc via IrDA using a
terminal emulator on your Mac that is capable of using the IrDA Comm
Toolbox tool. Search Info-Newt (www.info-newt.com) for "irda", "weyer",
"sloup" and "eetrans" to find more info on these products. Also search
the FAQ for the Newton Community copy at http://www.info-newt.com/faq/ --
there's a search engine JUST for the FAQ at that location. The search
engine at the top of the main Info-Newt page searches both the Info-Newt
main page, backissues AND the FAQ.
>Also, I'm looking for a copy of Quicken for the Newton and can't find it?
Unless you can find someone to sell you their copies of Pocket Quicken
and Pocket Quicken Connect (they are separate products), you can't - not
legally, anyway. It's no longer sold by Intuit. Use PocketMoney from
Catamount instead (www.catamount.com). PocketMoney is still being sold
and supported and even updated from time to time. Help support the folks
who are still supporting the Newton.
>So many people I know are switching to Palm Pilots..any hope would be
Switching from what, Newtons?
- Bill
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