Re: NTLK Driver for PCMCIA Hard drive for the Newton

From: Harri Hohteri (
Date: Sat Jan 01 2000 - 08:32:15 EST

I read the thread of messages that was accorded in this messages reply. There was said that it might be a lot of easier to do read-only ATA memory driver with current DDKs than full read-write. I can see use for that as mp3 storage. Cheap and big... what else would you ask for.


>I was just wondering how easy or difficult it would be for a programmer to
>write a driver for a PCMCIA HardDrive for the newton. What program would
>you need to achive this task? Would Visisual Basic do? The Newton Tool
>Kit? would you need to know how the Newton works, Language?
>What...What...What? Let me know. I think I an Idea.
>Efrain Suarez II
>All Things Newton
> --
>Efrain Suarez Ii <>
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