Re: Re: NTLK Pocket Quicken - help

Date: Tue Jan 04 2000 - 08:40:43 EST

There are two issues at work here, hardware and software. Chipsets used
by the major vendors (apple, hp, dell, compaq, ibm) have either always
been compliant or have been since the mid 90s. Compliance in software
has been spotty. I'm using Claris Em@iler (Mac), and even though I
tested it by running the date ahead, I didn't spot the error in
datestamping incoming mail until the new year. Outgoing mail doesn't
seem to have a problem.


>From: (Chris Browder)
>I have Quicken 5...and 'scuse me if I sound cynical....but seeing as how
>the Mac has a 4 digit Date system, I don't see how ANY app can't be
>compliant. AOL said that their older AOL apps were not Y2K compliant -
>even the Mac versions, bull. I don't buy not being Y2K compliant on a Mac
>at all..I'm still running my 1982 software applications fine and my 1986
>version of PageMaker still functions fine....sorry but I was worried
>about Y2K on the PeeCee side, but when it comes to a Mac, they've been

I had a linguistics professor who said that it's man's ability to use
language that makes him the dominant species on the planet. That may be.
But I think there's one other thing that separates us from animals.
We aren't afraid of vaccuum cleaners.
Jeff Stilson

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