NTLK Still looking for a leather Comm case for the 2x00

From: Kimberly (create-balance@mediaone.net)
Date: Sat Jan 08 2000 - 10:42:15 EST

Hello everyone.
I know I've posted this before but I just can't find anything and it has
been awhile.

If anyone knows where I can get a used ( new if priced reasonably) Apple
Leather communications case for the 2100 ( NOT a 1x0 case cut to fit) Please
let me know.

If there is anything similar ( very similar) I would like to know about it.

Also how many of you are using the Apple Leather Comm case for the 1x0 cut
to fit your 2x00 ?

Any Problems ?

Thanks much,

The world ( including previous Win owners) is watching Apple
Now is the time to bring about this new Apple PDA / Newton

Maybe they are waiting for the finished Mac OS X so it will work with that.

It looks SOOOOO cool - but I'm not happy that I have to upgrade all my apps,
specially all the Adobe stuff ( only if I go to the Cocoa version).

If you have not seen this yet go to the apple site and read though (I know
this is hard for you mac users - but do it - don't just scan) all the info
on Mac OS X

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