Re: NTLK Who to write to bring back the Newton? Steve's emailaddress?

From: Peter Cross (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 03:23:31 EST

It sounds to me like you are further along on this poll thing than I am, so
maybe you should take it away....

However, I you are not behind the Newton 100%. Are you sure you want to do
it. I think the site should broadcast a passion for the Newton. A love of
the technology and show the world the gap in the PDA market instead of
asking apple to make a replacement for the Palm Pilot. We also need to show
everyone, including the other pda users what they are missing. Like Jared
and Text to speech and all the other things about our Newtons that I (we?)
love so much. The Things that we KNOW are superior to any WinCE or ??? that
may come along.

If you want to do the site I say Great. But do it with passion. Otherwise,
let me know and I shall continue with my site.



on 1/10/00 11:13 PM, Bill Davis at wrote:

> On 1/7/00 11:19 AM, Amy [] wrote:
>> And "I" can offer a web site and a petition script to do it on my
>> web site, Daily iMac, if you guys need it. I love my Newton terribly but
>> I find myself drooling over features that it can't possibly have because
>> it's somewhat old (but not outdated!). I'm all for petitioning Apple to
>> bring it back, or something very close to it... even though some other
>> handhelds have features I wish for (the wireless Palm is mostly the
>> instigator, but I hate PalmOS), none of them match the overall quality of
>> the Newton. For the most part, nobody makes ANYTHING as good as Apple
>> does.
>> So... shall we host it on my site?
>> Amy
>> --
>> Editor, Daily iMac - news, content, food for thought
> That sounds like a good idea to me! That'll get us some Newton owners
> who may not read NewtonTalk or browse the various Newton sites or
> newsgroups. Meanwhile the Newton sites and newsgroups can be informed of
> the poll too.
> -Bill
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