>I bought a MP2000 not too long ago and got a Motorola Montana modem. One
>day when I was trying to access the internet, I got a -16???? error and the
>screen just froze. The on/off switch was unresponsive and instead of using
>the reset, I pulled the battery. Now, I can't get any response even using
>the reset button.
>I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to get it running or a source
>of parts incase I need to start swapping out stuff.
Bill, you can try to remove all cards (memory and other) from the
Newton, then reset it. I had this a while ago, and it turned out that
something on the flash card got corrupted and stopped the Newton from
starting up.
I eventually did a cold reset with all cards removed and restored
everything from backup - which was 2 weeks old, but better than
Ever since - Backups are done regularly :)
To avoid the -10601 error, install one of the patches (syspatch,
Avi's patch etc.)
Best regards,
Chris Ruprecht * chrup@earthlink.net
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