Were you running low on battery power at the time? I had that exact problem
when I first got my 2000. I had to learn not to let the batteries run down
too low, which happened extraordinarily fast when I had a modem sucking
power from them. Then the thing just refused to start up at all. I ended up
panicking and thinking maybe my Newton was bad, but it turned out that all I
had to do was pull all power for about 15-20 minutes and then restart. Now I
always keep my Newton plugged into the adaptor whenever possible and make
sure I change batteries the moment it tells me they're running low. I've
only had the problem happen one other time and I knew then what was wrong.
Sure enough, I had let the batteries run down too far.
Steve Vander Ark
Library Media Specialist
Byron Center Christian School
Byron Center, Michigan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Reigelsperger [mailto:billr@macrevolution.com]
> Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2000 1:36 PM
> To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
> Subject: NTLK Help; my MP2000 is dead
> I bought a MP2000 not too long ago and got a Motorola Montana modem. One
> day when I was trying to access the internet, I got a -16????
> error and the
> screen just froze. The on/off switch was unresponsive and
> instead of using
> the reset, I pulled the battery. Now, I can't get any response even using
> the reset button.
> I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to get it running or a source
> of parts incase I need to start swapping out stuff.
> Thanks.
> Bill Reigelsperger
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