NTLK Help With SimpleMail and Newtscape

From: John Liu (johnliu@earthlink.net)
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 00:27:37 EST

Well, I'm trying to use NewtsCape and SimpleMail, and I confess I am quite
baffled. The Newton is cleverer than I am, I expect. Help!

NewtsCape: I installed all packages, everything seems to go OK, I launch
NewtsCape, type htp://www.yahoo.com in the URL line, and tap File|Open
Location. The Newton dials and connects and the NewtsCape symbol turns
into a hand so I think it is doing something. Then the hand turns back
into the NewtsCape symbol and . . . I don't see a webpage. Just my
backdrop and the NewtsCape control area. Am I supposed to do something
else? Is viewing a webpage some sort fo two-step process -- download, then
view? It is not intuitive to me.

With SimpleMail I think I've run into a simple technical issue. I have
Earthlink, so set up my Owner Information with my username, password,
dialup number, the Earthlink script including the "ELN/", the domain
"earthlink.net", and my POP server "mail.earthlink.net" and SMTP server
"mail.earthlink.net". When I launch the InBox and tap Receive|SimpleMail,
SimpleMail dials, connects, logs in, but then reports that it could not
resolve the IP address of "mail.earthlink.net". I have tried changing the
POP server to just "mail" with no effect. What step am I missing?
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