NTLK Ntlk Observations on my Newton

From: Adrian Carter (adi@cix.co.uk)
Date: Fri Jan 21 2000 - 19:07:59 EST

In light of my recent troubles with my 2100, I must say it has made me
realise how important the Newton is to me in my everyday life. I bought my
2100 when they first came out. I had previously made use of a Psion 3a, a
good little machine in itself but one I found limiting due to the screen and
keyboard size.

I purchased the Newton with little knowledge of its prior history, I don't
even recall where I heard about it to be honest. All I remember is the
device seemed to fit my needs at the time.

Since that I can honestly say that my Newton has travelled with me
everywhere and has been in use most days. I am at University part time and
have found the device invaluable for taking notes. I bought the keyboard at
the same time and have used that for writing essays on long coach journeys
as well which then get uploaded to my Mac.

I also work as a supplier of equipment to public houses, my Newton has a
comprehensive site list on it with all the names and address which means
while evenyone else is struggling to dig the names out on paper I have the
number more or less straight away.

The Newton also helps me keep track of when machine changes are due, when
licences are due to be renewed and when supply reps are due to call giving
me time to compile lists of equipment which I need.

I fax and email back and forth from my Newton at work and on site via land
lines and my Psion card and I am contemplating getting some kind of
connection kit for my Newton to my mobile phone soon.

All in all the Newton has proved to be a marvel to me, when I thought it was
dead this morning I was pretty worried, how the hell would I have coped
without my brain.

Sorry for rabbiting on, but I guess I never realised just how much how I
take my Newton for granted.

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