NTLK WOW from small dog......

From: ThisOlNewt@aol.com
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 08:33:50 EST

I recieved the following. Will post it this weekend and I am sure its up at


1/21/2000 Smart Dog Software announces the BackTalk

Communications System for NewtonOS 2.1

Apple Computer created the MP2000 and MP2100 with impressive and

forward-looking capabilities, including IrDA-compatible infrared

hardware (www.irda.org).

Unfortunately, higher-level IrDA standards, intended to give

infrared appliances a common protocol for information exchange,

did not exist at the time the Newton was produced, and so were

not included in the Newton ROMs.

Now the IrDA standards are proliferating, and have been

implemented on the Palmô III, V, and VII machines, various WinCE

machines, and even specialized appliances like the HP CapShare

handheld scanner - and more are coming every day.

It is tragically ironic that the Newton, the earliest consumer

PDA platform to support the low-level IrDA standards, is

crippled by nothing more than its own early introduction, and

cannot communicate with modern infrared devices.

Smart Dog BackTalk brings your MP2000, MP2100, or eMate into the

modern era of infrared communications. By supplementing the

Newton's communications capabilities with modern protocols, the

Newton is able to exchange data with today's devices.

And tomorrow's, as well. A flexible translation architecture

makes support of new data formats as easy as creating a simple

translation library and dropping it into the Newton's system as

an independent component; any Newton developer will be able to

write new translators to further extend the Newton's

communication capabilities.

Smart Dog Software is pleased to be working with Extended

Systems/Counterpoint to provide the standard and

industry-accepted IrDA IrOBEX protocol for the Newton platform.

Extended Systems/Counterpoint has licensed its IrOBEX stack for

a number of other platforms, including the Palm series of

digital organizers and the HP CapShare 920 hand-held scanner.

With Extended Systems/Counterpoint and Smart Dog Software, your

communications are guaranteed to be industry-standard.

The future parades on relentlessly; make sure your Newton is as

prepared for it as you are, with Smart Dog BackTalk.
This month's NewtonTalk brought to you by:

EVOTE.COM, the ultimate Political Junkie site on the 'Net.

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