Drew Loker wrote:
> >Should be. I use USWest DSL access to the Internet with my Newton 2100
> Glad to here. One question though. How hard is it to go back and forth
> between DSL connect and using the PCMCIA Modem? In other words, I want to be
> able to swap back and forth so that when I am not at home, I can still load
> pages, etc.
Just keep your current internet settings. Create a new setting for your DSL
connection. Then, when the connection dialog appears when making an internet
access (whether for email or web browsing), you just have to pick the
appropriate internet settings that will be listed in the popup menu "Using".
That's all what it is. Then, when you travel, just pick a different internet
settings when you connect. This concept is very well done.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
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