Re: NTLK In the D.C. area

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 14:42:50 CDT

The only other "Newtoneer" I've ever seen was at a
FileMaker Pro training class at the Apple facility in
Reston...And that guy was from Pennsylvania and he had
th OMP...
He admitted that he didn't use his very often. So,
after I showed him how usefull they are (and this was
back when I have a 120) he discovered what he was
missing and to this day (I get an email from him every
once in a while) he uses his OMP every day...
If it's this difficult to convert the already
As far as a get together, I'm up for long as I
don't have to go into DC, I'm OK! Also, it can't be a
week day, my 15 hour days keeping the internet running
(60-80% of all internet traffic runs across my
company's backbone!) deprives me of a night life on
the weekdays!
web/gadget guru
--- Laurent Daudelin <>
> Lewis Rogers wrote:
> > Located in Silver Spring, been out of town fellow
> Newtoneers.
> >
> Hey, that's nice to know. There are at least 4 or 5
> people in the
> immediate DC area. Not counting those that aren't
> subscribe. Not too
> bad. I've thought for a long time that I was pretty
> much alone. After
> being here for 3 years, I've seen another Newton
> only twice. Maybe we
> should setup something to meet sometime...
> -Laurent.
> Laurent Daudelin
> Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
> Fannie Mae
> Phone: 703-833-4266
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this is a temporary sig file until I can figure out a more clever one to use

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