From: Laura (laurap@ideacast.com)
Date: Wed May 17 2000 - 19:08:47 CDT

Hello Newton Talkers!

Now that we're back up, there's an important change in our service you'll
all want to take notice of:

To unsubscribe from the list, simply visit www.planetnewton.com. In the left
hand nav menu, click on "NewtonTalk List" and scroll to the bottom of the
resulting page. At the bottom, you'll see a form to enter the email address
you signed up with under a box labeled "Unsubscribe".

After entering your email address, choose Submit. You will receive 2 emails.
A verification that you want to unsubscribe, which you should simply reply
to -- then you're unsubscribed. The other email is a notification that a
list action is being performed on your subscription.

Please note: You MUST reply to the unsubscribe verification request with the
subscribed address.

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