Re: NTLK Problem with my 130 backlight.

From: Stephen Beesley (
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 20:29:06 CDT

On Mon, 22 May 2000 Dan Barber wrote:

>Well my 130 has developed a problem. To be more percice the backlight no
>longer funtions. It was working fine a few days ago and I tried to turn it
>on today and it flashed for half a second then has not turned on since. I
>did a brain wipe, then tested it, and it still did not turn on. So it seems
>to be hardware related.

I had an MPI30 that developed the same Problem
after being left stored in it's box for about a year. Nothing that I tried in the way of reset etc could make It work. Then one day It was sitting on my desk at work and On Comes the backlight-all of it's own accord!

Based on Information and suggestions from others (Particularly other list members) I came to the conclusion that It might have been a condensation problem of some sort. I do not know If this Will do any good in your Case, but It was suggested to me that I take the back off and leave the Newt to ``dry out". As things turned out, the backlight came back of it's own accord before I could try this.

I wish that I could offer something more constructive.

Stephen Beesley.

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