Re: NTLK Spotted - New Newton !!??

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Mon May 29 2000 - 23:40:18 CDT

On 5/29/2000 9:00 AM, Jeremy Shepherd [] wrote:

>I'm surprised anyone would buy an Apple PDA again after the sleazy way we
>were abandoned in '98 with the -10061 bug still crippling our machines.
>Even today the bug has only been "worked around" in a pretty kludgy way
>and not solved.
>The only way I would ever buy an Apple PDA again would be if Steve Jobs
>personally delivered it to me along with an apology for leaving Newton
>users with damaged goods.

While I'm not at all happy with Stevie's decision with the Newton, I am
VERY pleased with his results turning Apple around from the death-spiral
that Sculley/Spindler/Amelio had it in.

I'll buy an Apple PDA IF it suits my needs, and if it's a better product.
 So far, Apple's track history on producing better products is 100%, even
if sometimes they don't realize it themselves.

I currently own and use a Palm IIIx as well as 4 Newtons from OMP to 2100
(mostly the 2100), and program on Windows PC's all day at work, as well
as other computer OS's (MacOS, MS-DOS, VMS, Unix) over the last 22 years
or so, so I think I'm fairly well versed on the various merits of the
technology. I spend my money on Apple products, in general. Less
hassles! The Palm doesn't hold a candle to my Newton except in ONE area
- it's small enough to fit in my shirt pocket and therefore be with me
EVERYWHERE, like the Casio and Sharp electronic organizers I used before
I bought my first Newton in 1993....but I'd love them to get together
with the folks that produced the clever foldable keyboard for them (which
is roughly the same size as a Palm III, but a little thicker) and make a
PDA that unfolds to the size of the Newton or so, with a large
screen.....and then license the HWR tech from Apple! THAT _might_ be a
truly adequate replacement for a Newton.

 - Bill

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