Re: NTLK OT: too long lines in mails

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Aug 01 2000 - 10:00:49 CDT

Wolf Lichtenberger wrote:
> Hi fellow Newtoneers,
> on Mon, 31 Jul 2000, someone wrote:
> [...]
> > I'm not sure if I read a reply to your message, but in case you didn't receive anything, here is my take ;-)
> [...]
> > It might not be with the Notepad, but with some preference stuff for the Notepad that is stored in the System soup. Is the Notepad loading when you get the error, or do you get the
> I believe i speak for quite some people whose mail clients do _not_ do automatic
> wrapping of long lines in articles for reading.
> Could we possibly agree to use 72 or 80 characters max. in posting here?
> (instead of sometimes over 180 like above)
> This would IMHO improve the usability here a lot.

OK, I understand and don't have any problem with this. I know it's
really annoying. I'm using Communicator 4.7 at work to read/send email.
I set it to send text messages when the recipient is not HTML capable,
but it looks now that this doesnt have anything to do with carriage
returns to wrap long lines. I'm typing this message now with the text
editor, instead of the HTML editor, and I can see that there are still
long lines. If you can confirm, that will tell me I was right. I'm not
sure if Communicator can post-process my message after I send it, it may
and it may not, so that's why I'd like you to let me know how this
specific message is looking for you.

So, anybody knows how to "force" Communicator to wrap long lines in
outgoing messages?

Laurent Daudelin Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS
Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 703-833-4266
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