NTLK Cut the signatures, please!!!!

From: Laurent Daudelin (nemesys@cox.rr.com)
Date: Sun Aug 06 2000 - 02:11:11 CDT

I've just finished reading the digest, from my personal account, and
couldn't agree more with one of the poster that people are becoming a lot
less careful in stripping all those unneeded signatures, specially the one
generated by Planet Newton list server. I'm reading this on my desktop
computer, but I can't imagine what it must be on a Newton.

People! Even if the Newton is still the most powerful PDA, it still no match
for a desktop computer.

Could you please *DELETE* those signatures, specially the darn banner put by
PlanetNewton from all messages you quote???

BTW, maybe we could ask for this banner to be trimmed a bit. I'm not sure
about their sponsor, but it seems that it's been the same for ages. I'm
thinking about maybe buying some advertisement on this list to *suppress*
the banner at the end of every posted messages.

But again, *you* people, have the ability to remove and edit all material
you're quoting. You're using a Newton, right? So, be considerate for those
that are using their Newtons to get those *huge* digests (yes, I'm
subscribed to a few lists, and NewtonTalk beats the pant off of all of them
in term of sheer volume). People could also be careful about the length of
their own signature that appears at the end of every message they post. The
Usenet recommended standard is 4 lines at most. So, try to keep it under 4



[signature deleted in protest ;-) ]

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