Re: NTLK Pocket PC Anyone

From: Wolf Lichtenberger (
Date: Sun Aug 06 2000 - 09:52:53 CDT

Hi, fellow Newtoneers,

on Thu, 03 Aug 2000, wrote:
> > But Mark, CalliGrapher was the 1.3 recognition engine, you want to look into
> > a machine that takes you back in time ?
> Is the current Calligrapher that's used on the Clio and the Pocket PC an
> older version than what's on the Newton? I'm getting confused by the

Since NOS2.0, IIRC, Apple had a new additional HWR program installed, (by the
code name of Rosetta) for printed character recognition. The earlier one was
for cursive writing, called Calligrapher, and by the Moscow company ParaGraph.
    Calligrapher elicited much joking about its recognition quality in early
Newts, which had its repercussions in an Newt easter egg: do write "Egg
freckles" without the quotes, then hit Assist (on 2.1 Newts you need the egg
freckles enabler for this).
    I'd expect ParaGraph to try and make their product better, so (if M$
doesn't goof it up again) the experience of recognition quality _could_ be
agreeable - will have to try it myself. But not _buy_ anything that makes me
WinCE... (they're IIRC still miles behind the Newt in GUI quality as well as
battery life - color costs...;-)
    Personally, i was very content with cursive recognition quality both in a
130 and a 2100, but for punctuation/accents. Since one year, i have completely
switched to printed and experienced much less recog. errors still.
    Most if not all of this should already be in the Newton FAQ (courtesy of
NewtonTalker Victor Rehorst, he of the Lego Newton Stand ;-), which you can find
at, so RTFM as well 8^)

> What is exactly running on the Newtons?
> I've heard tell of a Mondello program?

Never heard of. Pointers? What's it supposedly for?

> What in tarnation

What's that?

> is going on?

> "Woof"

Woohoooo (after all, i'm a wolf...;-)
> Mark-o

-- Wolf-o
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