RE: NTLK Purchasing Rights to the Newton...?

From: Jeff Knee, at home (
Date: Sun Aug 06 2000 - 17:20:44 CDT

        You guys aren't getting anywhere with this.
        I, for one, read between the lines in a very recent BusinessWeek cover
story and interview with Steve Jobs. He said Apple has a lot of cool
things in the pipeline for next year, to start. Together with the
Newton-like features in MacOS X -- and the fact that X may be too big
for a PDA, an appliance or set-top box -- I read this interview to mean
Apple will be bringing back Newton features, if not a new Newton itself.
 If Apple wants to be the Sony of computing, it only makes sense.
        BTW, I am not a developer, I'm a consumer and news reader.
        On the subject of software rights, would someone privately clue me in
on the hack used to unlock unsupported Newton software license
registrations (see email address)? I firmly believe in rewarding
creators who support their work, but not those who abandon it.
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