Re: NTLK Purchasing Rights to the Newton...?

From: Lui Frimmel (
Date: Mon Aug 07 2000 - 06:06:24 CDT

At 20:33 06.08.00 -0400, you wrote:
>>on 05-08-2000 10:52, Peter Apockotos at wrote:
 (This makes about as much sense
>as the claims that Apple introduced the G4 Cube strictly because NeXT also
>produced a cube-shaped computer, and not because modern components made such
>a striking design possible and affordable.)

Ahem, the "modern components" are there for years (think its around six
years since I used my
first double processor board) and the "striking design" is available and
very cheap using the right
type of board, processor with the right OS, like BSD, Linux, BeOS, MachTen
Of course the MacOS isnt the right one for double/more processor usage -
thats the reason why
Apple was far behind the crowd.

>Make no mistake: I'm still using my MessagePad, and I expect I'll continue
>to do so for some time before anything that *begins* to resemble a
>replacement is available. We can disagree with the abandonment of the Newton
>platform, but let's not continue to insist that this wasn't a reasonable and
>sound business decision for Apple to make.

A real tragedy - the time frame they had a real innovative product they
werent able
to marketing.
Nowerdays they dont have any innovative products, but a good marketing.

Still happy I transfered my money from Apple to Linux, Transmeta and
SanDisk at the right time ;-))


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