Re: Replicating the Newton Advantage (was RE: NTLK Purchasing Rightsto the Newton...?)

From: Andrew Chen (
Date: Mon Aug 07 2000 - 20:53:39 CDT

>Andrew Chen wrote:
>> Here are my thoughts on alternative technologies to replicate the
>> Newton experience:
>> NewtonScript: Python
>> Newton Virtual Machine: Java Virtual Machine
>> Newton API: Cocoa API
>> eMate Hardware: iBook
>> Ok, so it isn't exactly a PDA, and certain things are missing (like
>> the level of integration and cooperation between Applications), but
>> with JPython on Cocoa, I think we can come close to the Newton
>> Experience - won't run Newton Apps, but at least all the pieces are
>> there.
>I think you (and many others) are missing an important point of what made
>the Newton a Newton. It has been pointed out before, but allow me to
>On this system you are proposing, when I insert a disk, will the contacts
>stored on that disk automagically appear in the email client/contact
>managing software?

This is possible - I will explain how.

>Will any apps stored on that disk appear in the Apple menu (or Dock)?

This too is possible - see below.

>No. Because the Newton used a unique storage system, based on "soups" and
>databases, while all mainstream OS's are file-based.

1) Daemons: common in the Un*x world, they wait for something and act
on it. We would have a disk insertion daemon.

2) We would need a special API and convention for an XML file to be
found on the disk (we could search through the entire disk for this
file too, if necessary).

3) This XML file would be the one and only method for which
applications that conform to this "virtual Newton" concept save and
restore data.

4) Every "virtual Newton" application would have to support an "alert
to new data source" AppleEvent that would notify it of the
appropriate disk/directory. It would then parse the XML file for the
appropriate relevant data.

5) In essence, XML enables us to replicate the soups/databases
structure (albeit in perhaps not as efficient a manner).

6) Alternatively, instead of flat XML, we may use MacOS X bundles
with XML files inside.

Everything is possible - we need to believe it and aim for it.

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