NTLK One Soup for all standard Applets Data (was: Re: NTLK "Page" patch in Notes (same as OneNote feature))

From: Wolf Lichtenberger (w_l@gmx.net)
Date: Sat Aug 12 2000 - 07:13:08 CDT


on Thu, 10 Aug 2000, John Mark Davis wrote:
> (thanks for your suggestion about RollOver. I will try that one.)

I find RollOver good for its purpose, too.
> One nice feature when using the vertical scroller of SuperNotepad is that
> the Filing and Action menus remain at the top of the screen. When using
> notes without the vertical scrollbar or in an application like OneNote, when
> you scroll down your note, you lose your icons at the top of the note. Has
> anyone written a patch to place the File and Action menus (the folder and
> envelope icons) on the floating toolbar at the bottom of the application?
> So, like, it's always there? This would be a very handy feature.

For getting at these buttons i use "top of current note" of Catamounts
Notehopper, which introduces some other useful functions as well.
Both RollOver and NoteHopper don't fight with BigNotes here, but i believe i
don't have Notes over 8 KB yet, so YMMV.

> Another thing relating to SuperNotepad. I love the navigation tools. I
> wish only patches like SuperNotepad would work not only in Notes but in
> CALLS and LOGS, too! To do a half-page scroll down in a call would be very
> handy.

what are LOGS ?

Anyway, i'd love have my data _not_ partitioned into types _that_ rigid, but
rather organized as one big soup (^8), operated upon by a notes view, an name
card view, and views for calls, appointments, todos and so on.
   Please consider: any entry has a date/time, title, folder and one or more
text fields (many carrying read-only labels); thus very much in common with
each other.
   To be able to use this on the Newt, which has no central data
soup for its applications, we could have patches for the applications for
access to the other app's data instead, effectively and invisibly using the
other app's code. Thus you would be able to see notes in the calendar (which
i long lusted for ;-), calls in notes (which eliminates the need for the phone
stationery), appointments and todos in notes (eliminating yet another stat. i
believe) and so on.
   I'm not so sure all combinations here are sensible, but having notes and
appointments view-/usable in one another has been a long time wish of mine,
eventually spawning the "one united soup" idea.
   Though i'd probably exclude works, books, and so on from the central soup,
because their data entries are too different. So, it becomes (reformed ;-)
"one united soup for anything having enough structure in common", which applies
to all the standard app's, i believe (works and anything specialized not

-- Wolf Lichtenberger
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