NTLK mailstart for PDA

From: Brian McEwen (brian@bmcewen.cvm.okstate.edu)
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 11:22:23 CDT

Hey, I just got this back from MailStart- a way to check any POP3 server
from the web. They don't mention it on their main page that I found, but
they have a PDA specific link now according to the webmaster.

I'd tried this using Newtscape but either their nested tables or some
missing table tag kills the client due to HTML error.

I've set up a test account on my server for 3 or 4 months now, only access
the account using mailstart (from desktop), and still have not seen spam
appear, so it seems they really do what they say and keep your account info

I've not tested this in Newtscape yet, but am hopeful. If it works,
Newtscape gets registered :)


>Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 08:12:37 -0700
>From: WebBox Webmaster <webmaster@webbox.com>
>To: bmcewen@cowboy.net
>Subject: Re: Inquiry to Webmaster
>I've got great news for you. We have a version of MailStart.com built just
>for PDA's. I use it from my Palm V and love it. You can find it at
>It's most likely that the pulldown ads are blowing up the email client, but
>it's possible there are some missing table tags in the code.
>Let me know how the PDA version of MailStart works out for you!
>Best Regards,

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