Re: NTLK Connecting to interent via AppleTalk

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Fri Aug 18 2000 - 03:59:12 CDT

jceaser wrote:
> I have a 2100 with no ethernet card and a local network with a linux gateway
> to the internet. Is there a way to browes web pages from my newton using
> appletalk as a connection? The only option I see is MacIP. What does MacIP
> do and can I get it?
I don't believe, that you'll need MacIP at all. I think the only
requirement is that you set-up your Linux box to start the PPP (or
whatever you have) connection and provide a fixed gateway address for
all network members. So better no DHCP and the like dynamic thing. The
MP2k can access the internet only via a gateway IP-address, that's what
I do here in the institut's mixed WinNT/UNIX/LINUX environment. If your
local network is not directly connected with anything else (e.g. you've
set IP masquerading and all your local network computers access the
internet/intranet via your Linux gateway only) then you can use the
private address space of (xyz= 1...255).

I was very enthusiastic to install such a solution at home but refused
finally, because I got a PowerPC as server. Now I'm running
IPNetworkRouter from and have a server with
Apple HFS as well as a local Webserver, using the websharing control
panel of MacOS9.


Regards / Viele Gruesse

Marco Mailand *************************************** NewtonTalk brought to you by:

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