NTLK Trouble printing to HP 6MP via ir

From: John Fisher (jfisher@alapoisoncenter.org)
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 11:48:37 CDT

I am the proud owner of an almost new 2100 :)

I have tried printing via ir to my HP 6MP (I do it all the time from my
G3 pb).

Here's what happens: I select the item (note for instance), select the
"Print Note" from the Action menu, make sure the HP 5MP (irDA) is
selected as the printer, select "Print" and "now".

The ir light above the ir port on the printer comes on. The newt says
"connecting to HP Laserjet 5 MP (irDA)"; then "printing page 1." The ir
port light stays on the printer, and the printer's "in progress" light
blinks just like when printing via cable.

When the thumbmnail of the page appears in the print progress box, and
the page starts getting filled in (like a progress bar), the ir port
light on the printer goes out, the "in process" light on the printer
stops blinking, and the newton displays a "iPrint Newton is unable to
print" box.

I have the original print pack and the 2.0 update. I have the HP irDA
extension, and have re-downloaded the extension from the net and
reinstalled in the newt.

Newton does fine when printing to this printer via serial cable, or
PrintPack parallel cable.

The 2100 also does fine when beaming to my newt 120.

I have a small selection of shareware/freeware programs, plus X-port 2.1

Anybody have any suggestions? I could reload system software from CD
(haven't tried that yet) but beyond reloading system and/or a hard reset,
I am lost.

"Never ask a man what sort of computer he drives. If it's a Mac,
he'll tell you. If not, why embarrass him?" -Tom Clancy

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