on 29-08-2000 10:30, Robert Benschop at robertbenschop@bigfoot.com wrote:
on 29-08-2000 4:35, Laurent Daudelin at laurent_daudelin@fanniemae.com
> Is there somekind of an ultimate list of all cameras that are known to
> work? Seems that this would be helpful...
Olympus D-300L
Olympus D-320L
Olympus D-340R
Olympus Camedia C-400
Olympus Camedia C800L (that's what it is called in Europe, the US
designation is different)
Olympus C-1000 L
Agfa ePhoto 307
Agfa ePhoto 780
Agfa ePhoto 1280
Agfa 1680
Nikon CoolPix 900
Epson PhotoPC 700
Connectix greyscale quickcams
it seems like some Fuji cameras are compatible
This is all I could dig up from my personal archive of this list and the one
from Victor, if anybody has a camera that is compatible please chime in,
I'll be able to keep updating this list that way.
Robert Benschop
same message once more since I added one more Agfa model
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