Re: NTLK Re: apple quicktake 200 digital camera & newton/tibetcompatibility?

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Tue Aug 29 2000 - 15:30:23 CDT

on 29-08-2000 4:35, Laurent Daudelin at

> Is there somekind of an ultimate list of all cameras that are known to
> work? Seems that this would be helpful...

Olympus D-300L
Olympus D-320L
Olympus D-340R
Olympus Camedia C-400
Olympus Camedia C800L (that's what it is called in Europe, the US
designation is different)
Olympus C-1000 L

Agfa ephoto 780
Agfa ePhoto 1280
Agfa 1680

Nikon CoolPix 900

Epson PhotoPC 700

Connectix greyscale quickcams

it seems like some Fuji cameras are compatible

This is all I could dig up from my personal archive of this list and the one
from Victor, if anybody has a camera that is compatible please chime in,
I'll be able to keep updating this list that way.

Robert Benschop

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