NTLK Fun with Newton curious people

From: Romano Studer (rstuder@eclat.ch)
Date: Thu Aug 31 2000 - 06:20:01 CDT

> just open the note, hit speaktext and let Macintalk do the rest. It really

Somebody mentioned speaktext... how does that work?
It reads ascii text? Where do I get it?

Romano Studer

ECLAT AG www.eclat.ch
Corporate Identity / Media Design
Seestrasse 78
CH-8703 Erlenbach

voice switchboard +41 1 910 39 40
voice direct +41 1 914 74 21
ISDN +41 1 914 74 02

ECLAT rstuder@eclat.ch

CompuServe romanobstuder@compuserve.com
Hotmail romanobstuder@hotmail.com

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