Re: [NTLK] pict to pkg??

From: T. J. Wise (
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 10:36:48 EDT

>>"T. J. Wise" wrote:
>> > Is there a greyscale version of pict to pkg out there? the B&W
>> > doesn't do very pretty.
>I dont know what your trying to do , so this answer might not help.
>Yesterday I did a Picture for Avi's Backdrop and after tweaking it
>in Graphics Converter (to 16 shades of gray, and sizing it) I just
>dragged it into Newton Press to create a pkg.

So there is a different piece of software than what I am using out
there! I knew there was something better. Ok, what is that software
called? Does it require one to use AVI's Backdrop?

T. J.

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