Re: [NTLK] extent of HWR's 'learning'?

From: Brian (
Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 16:24:47 EDT

>Just what does it mean when it sez "learn my handwriting'?
>Are we talking about an evolution in letter shapes, from the standard to
>Are we just adding unknown words to my dictionary?
>what kind of things reinforce this 'learned' behavior?

See the "handwriting practice" in setup. select "new word" Look at the
"% confidence" once you have written it. write it a handful of times....
watch the % confidence go up...

You could teach it to recognize "r" for "d" if you try enough. If your
printed HWR is kind of hit and miss, I suggest doing the handwriting
practice until you regularly get 80-90% correct recognition on the easy and
tough words. It's learning how you scribble as you go along. And using
the practice, you can see which letters or combinations are causing it the
most trouble (and practice that word until it gets better).

As well, if you are a cursive writing person, when in notepad, click on the
"i", click on prefs, click on cursive then options, and look at the
handwriting shapes to prioritize the vagarities of cursive writing to match
how you write.


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