Re: [NTLK] Emate error on newton works

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 05:18:26 EST

>Error -10606 is in the "Card Store Errors" and is "Object not found". I have
>no idea of what that means. Maybe Paul Guyot, who did work in the storage
>area, will have more substantial information to add...

If you can see such an error, it means that the structure of the
object store the Newton is accessing (either the card or the internal
store) is incoherent with what the system expects from the content of
it. To put it in other words, an object refers to another objects
because it has the ID of it in its data and this other object cannot
be found.

This can have plenty of causes, from dead flash technology to bug in
the system (I don't really believe in this, but it may happen with
ATA Support of course), an error when writing or reading, etc.

There is only one cure provided that the memory isn't physically
damaged, the well known backup/wipe/restore cycle. Note: if memory is
physically damaged, you might not notice it immediatly after the
restoration. Second note: full backup may fail, but you can select
things to backup. Third note: if backup is successful, restoring will
definitely not introduce such incoherencies. However, an incoherency
in data on the Newton may lead to incoherent data in the backup, but
this doesn't lead to such errors.


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