Re: [NTLK] Printing from Notepad via PrintPack

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 11:30:52 EST

at the temporal coordinates: 10/31/01 11:22 AM, the entity known as Chris
Searles at conveyed the following:

> Further, if the printing is done from NewtonWorks, does it work better or
> is there some extra way to set margins for printing?
> Finally, is there any way to export notes from the Notepad to NewtWorks
> in Newton OS 2.0. I have seen freeware/shareware for this for Newton OS
> 2.1, but not for the 2.0 version.

Ummm... NewtWorks on a *2.0* machine??? I thought NewtWorks was 2.1 only.

- Eric.

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