At 12:37 PM 9/1/01, wrote:
>I should also add to the page - that I found a way to trick
>your Newton
>to read
>your "regular" landline account e-mail wirelessly.
There are a few other (simpler?) ways of accomplishing this.
First, if you use SimpleMail it can automatically check multiple
mailboxes during the same session. Second, you could use Nick's
SoWoSamma which gives you a button on the button bar that allows
you to change Owner cards at any time. Or third, you could do
what I do which is to ignore my wireless e-mail address and only
use my "regular" e-mail address. I realize this isn't for
everybody but I find it preferable to have one single e-mail
address that I can give to everybody that I can retreieve from a
desktop or the Newt.
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