Hi- It's been awhile since I've posted a message. But I read the List
regularly and am grateful toall of you out there for your continued
interest and enthusiasm for all things Newton.
My problem is in trying to Merge my Newton Dates and Addressed into
PalmDesktop on my Powerbook (G3). I Export my Newton Dates and Addresses
separately in Claris Organizer format. And the open a blank PalmDesktop
file and Merge each file.
The weird thing that is happening, is that when i merge the Dates file I
get my Calendar just fine. but when i then Merge the Address file (which
should go into Contacts in the Palm Desktop), I not only get the Address
file--but I get a second Dates file overlapping the first--ie, I get
duplicates of all my Dates. This from doing a merge that is supposedly
just the Names file in my Newton.
Another problem that may or may not be related. If I have a good
non-duplicated Dates file open in my Palm Desktop, and try to Synchronize
a more up-to-date Dates file from my Newton that I have again exported
into Claris format--the synchronization produces duplicate appointments in
PalmDesktop for all the appointments that were in the first export.
Has anyone had similar problems? Is there a fix or setting i need to
change. The piece of this that really confuses me is how does my Names
export wind up putting appointments in my Datebook?
Sorry this went on so long. thanks for any advice you can give! Jim
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