Re: [NTLK] Newton MessagePad 2100

From: Manfred Mortera (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 02:03:03 EDT

Sorry if the answer is painfully obvious, but about the ethernet connection:
You mention a "crossover" cable. Does that mean there is no HUB? I've always
thought that Ethernet was a star topology rather than a bus. I've been
connecting to my mac via serial or Appletalk, but I'd definitely pick up a
$20 ethernet card if I can hook them up directly.
> Exactly! For the price of an Ethernet card, it seems that it would be even
> cheaper to go this way. If the original poster has only his desktop
> computer, he wouldn't need anything except an Ethernet crossover cable,
> beside the Ethernet card for the 2100. Not even considering the additional
> speed for the connection... Seems like a no brainer to me!

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