Re: [NTLK] Organizing Notes

From: Samuel Jacobson (
Date: Fri Sep 28 2001 - 12:51:38 EDT


  Is HyperNote the same as HyperNewt? If so then how were you able to get
the program to file notes solely in HyperNewt and not in the Newton Notes?
Also, how were you able to get the program to allow for multiple notes in
one folder (directory), as mine will not allow this (it simply writes over
the last note, even if you have specifically selected for a new note)? As I
mentioned I have read through the documentation and, even though it claims
it can do all of this, I have not been able to get mine to do so, even with
working with the preferences. Thus any suggestions...

  Thanks again for the help!




Always remember, "Ad astra per aspera"...


Lab. Telephone (via Dr. Susan Bell): 813-974-5420

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     University of South Florida
     SCA 110
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     Tampa, Florida, 33620

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