Granted...I never worked at Apple..but I do know those
who DID (I'm no where near Apple's Cuppertino
headquarters, so my experiences come from the outlying
grunts in the outlying offices, like at the Apple
building in Reston VA...where I spent many a afternoon
trying out various products and talking to Apple
product developers)
I will give you, that back in the '90s...mostly,
pre-Jobs, Apple was innovative. The world waited for
Apple's announcements at MacWorld to see what the
computing future would look like. I made a lot of
money by buying Apple stock several months before a
MacWorld, then unloading the stock at a tidy profit
when Apple announced some fantastic product that made
the world wonder how they did that...(three years in a
world, this technique yeilded over 40% return on my
investments...per year!)
I guess that I am still hurting by Apple's fumbling of
the Newton in such a horrific way, that that single
act clouds my judgement against Apple and I can't see
past my own anger. But I have to say...since the
Newton's demise, I have not seen a single innovative
product come out of Cuppertino since.
Don't spout off about's just another
GUI ontop of a *nix kernel...I want GUI, not command
lines! I think in mental pictures...commandlines
(while I have spend dozens of years working with
command lines) are passe.
Things like Firewire, the Apple Digital camera, the
Newton, being the first to go full boat with the USB,
PURE GUI! Even back as far as the laserprinter! These
were things that either Apple developed or embraced
with such vigor, that the rest of the world had to
either adapt or die!
Apple is stagnating, and even under the corporate
reigns of pervious corporate bosses, Apple still
managed to shine! Now, under the tutelage of Jobs...I
just seem to yawn whenever Apple anounces another
MacWorld...I look at innovation coming from DELL with
their 5 blade web server in a 2u rackmount
configuration. Compaq with their spectacular iPaq
Color! Toshiba with that laptop that is so thin,
you're afraid you'll break it if you lift it from a
single corner. The Sony Vio is amazing with that built
in camera.
These are innovations I expected Apple to be
introducing back in the '90s...but it seems that Apple
has gone corporate. no new innovations. Theyr'e too
risky and too costly. Seems that all of Apple's
decisions are now based on money. Switch from SCSI to
IDE. Sure, IDE is cheaper, but also not as robust and
certainly not as fast...(remember, even as equal bus
speeds, the SCSI still wins out because of it's multi
path abilities)
I dunno...I've become disappointed in Apple and if I
have to live in a corporate world, I'll do it with
something I can make money at too. That's why I work
on NT web servers. That's a never-ending revenue
Sorry, that's just my rant
web/gadget guru
--- Daniel Smith <> wrote:
> That's a pretty strong opinion man. Not to tear up
> on your opinions -
> that's your right to express them.
> Now, offering a counter opinion, based on my
> experience:
> Working at Apple Computer, Inc. is very exciting
> and an exceptional
> experience. Even if your assignment is AppleCare
> Technical Telephone
> Support, there's a strong energy from all who work
> there. People come to
> work at Apple because they love the company. They
> love the products. They
> enjoy working in an environment that doesn't stifle
> one's opinion. A casual
> atmosphere where you're surrounded by the toys and
> technologies you've
> always dreamed of playing with, but never could
> afford.
> --
> Daniel Joannidi Smith
> Student Developer
> (512) 619-5459
> > >Now workers at Apple aren't allowed to think
> unless
> > >the thought process was initialized by Steve
> > >Jobs...only his ideas are brought to light!
> > >The question is still, is this a good thing, or a
> bad
> > >thing...?
note: This does not constitute a sig file...
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