Adding to all the other 'weirdness' - PayPal will ONLY verify information
from a credit card, and NOT from your bank account. We stopped using
plastic about two months after setting up a PayPal account almost two years
ago - now they won't let me change a damn thing (like our new address) and
have it be verified. This is after several phone calls.
I too only kept the account open for the SER-001. I am going to nuke that
bad boy the moment it is in my hands.
I pay straight cash for everything else that I do, don't even have a
personal bank account anymore just business. From mow on if someone won't
take cash/MO/Certified then screw 'em. I am very tired of having all my
personal financial information in the hands of faceless strangers. The IRS
is bad enough.
Paul Nuernberger
> From: Jim Witte <>
> Subject: [NTLK] [OT] PayPal gripes
> I too heard about PP freezing accounts and doing other sneaky things,
> and became leary. I closed down my account, and have only recently
> reopened one to buy a dongle killer.. The thing that bugs me is I seem
> to remember that at the beginning you could send them a check to get
> money in. Now the only way appears to either give them your bank
> account routing information, or credit card number. So tomorrow I'm
> going to transfer all my money from my banking account, save the 62.50
> for the DK, and the 62.50 I tried to transfer in a a couple of days ago,
> but hasn't been 'processed' (How the hell can it take them 3-4 days to
> process a credit card transfer? I do it all the time at the
> supermarket, and it takes at most 20 seconds!), and I can't seem to
> cancel it.. I'll put it in my savings account, and probably open
> another checking account with a new debit card so I have a new account
> number and CC number (it's floating on too many [presumably secure]
> servers for comfort for the slightly paranoid..)
> Jim
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