Re: [NTLK] Used Newts history

From: Chris Chapman (
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 17:31:17 EDT


Got any cards left? ;)

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Goggan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Used Newts history

> Jesse Garnier wrote:
> > Do we know where these Newts are coming from, before the resellers
> > get them, or what they were used for? Do we have any evidence that
> > they're coming from an homogenous environment or several different
> > sources? The discussions about the similar package configurations
> > got me thinking.
> >
> > I'd be really curious to know if, say, some Fortune 500 company just
> > switched from 15,000 Newtons to 15,000 iPaqs or some such.
> Well, all of those 32MB cards that I recently sold (i.e. the "NorthStar
> cards") were apparently originally used at a company called "AstraZeneca"
> pharmaceutical company?). I only know because one of the cards had
> old AstraZeneca business card taped to the bottom of it. :)
> I assume that if they had all of these cards (it appears that, originally,
> there was at least 200 or so of them), they probably had a ton of Newtons
> go with them. I don't know if all of the recent EBay Newton sellers got
> from the same place or not. I don't know if AstraZeneca went under and
had an
> auction or just sold them to one person that has resold them all over or
> All I know is that I bought all of the 32MB cards that I sold from one
guy --
> and he sold them because he was tired of selling them one at a time and
> therefore decided to just dump most of the rest to me. I also know that
> isn't really a Newton person, at least, I don't think so -- meaning that
> wasn't selling other Newton parts before these. His emails to me implied
> he just looks for closeouts and deals and then resells them on EBay and
> afterwards. Meaning that he probably wasn't looking for Newton stuff when
> came across some place that must have been selling all of AstraZeneca's
> That's all I know.
> - John...
> --
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