Later this summer, I'll be taking some Scouts to Summer Camp for a week. I
don't want to be without email access during that time (can't get too woods-y,
now can we??). So -- I'd like to be able to use my Newt with SimpleMail while
I am there.
Currently, I have a wireless phone that I'm about to ditch since I'm not happy
with the plan nor service. Therefore, I'm fairly open as to where to go --
either wireless or cellular from wherever. I'm therefore looking for
recommendations on what hardware can be used on the Newt to do what I'd
like... And what phone (if any) I might need to do it. I see several ways of
doing this:
1. Cellular PCMCIA modem (i.e. no phone needed).
2. Wireless/PCS PCMCIA modem (i.e. no phone needed).
3. Serial-port connected cellular device/phone?
4. Serial-port connected wireless device/phone?
5. PCMCIA-to-phone connection?
6. Serial-to-phone connection?
I'm just not that familiar with cellular or wireless -- especially when it
comes to it being compatible for connecting to a Newt.
So -- anyone have any recommendations? I did do some searching, but most of
what I found seemed to be specific to Europe. Or, at least enough that I
didn't want to go buying anything before I actually spoke with someone using
the hardware in the USA.
I'd basically like to stay cheap, of course. I can live with buying an older
28.8k modem or something (as opposed to 56k) if that will save me cash. I see
some $20-$30 older cards on EBay that seem that they might work, but I'd like
some suggestions from people actually using hardware first...
- John...
P.S. I do have access to a Nokia 5165 that I'm considering making my normal
phone. So, if someone has any specific experience with this phone and a Newt
via either a serial or PCMCIA connection cable to it, I'd certainly be
interested in hearing about it!
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