Re: [NTLK] OOOooooohh e-Bay, I am scared now: was Re: HUGE Newton

From: Stephen Jendraszak (
Date: Fri Aug 09 2002 - 11:42:18 EDT

On Friday, August 9, 2002, at 05:14 AM, Jon Glass wrote:
> You know, there is another aspect about this that doesn't involve the
> Newton
> in any way. I see this phenomenon on a few lists I'm on. The real
> factor, in
> my mind is that you are doing business with somebody from a familiar
> environment, and with somebody whom you know from that environment. We
> couch
> it in terms of "giving the Newton a good home" but I think it has more
> to do
> with the fact that we are dealing with somebody we know, rather than
> with an
> unknown quantity. Them's my thoughts. :-)

I agree. I have yet to sell anything to a list member, but I know I
would feel much more comfortable doing business with someone I "know"
from this list than with an anonymous eBay seller or buyer.


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